
Cycle Investing.

Most powerful way to manage your wealth.

Full Cycle Investing

At Intrepid Wealth, we have a unique process, known as Full Cycle Investing, to stay ahead of the curve. We look for signposts that tell us exactly where we are in the cycle so that we can help you make the right investments at the right time.

Our process is quite literally designed to take advantage of the Full Cycle – not just parts of the cycle – meaning our job is to make sure you preserve, protect and grow your capital in all different market conditions. Your job is to talk to us, hang in there and breathe.

Yes! We can time the markets

Markets go up and they go down and they go back up again. One thing is for certain, the world will change. Markets will react. As all of that is happening, sometimes it can get uncomfortable. If – well when – it does, we ask that you trust the process. Our commitment to Full Cycle investing means two critical things – one, we use data and the world’s best research houses to front run changes in the market.


Mavericks are here for you

PJ Patterson

I am a financial problem solver and whether it is personal or business related I will help you figure it out. I have the skill set, background and network to advise on any financial problem you need to solve. I’m a contrarian by nature and will not accept the status quo. Finally, if you want a professional that has your back, my firm and I will be there for you.


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